Sierra Park
I.O.O.F. Sierra Camp Subdivision


C.12-03-017 - Coleman, Wallace, Vaughn & Dargitz vs. OFSRA - 3/14/2012

A.13-09-023 - Application of OFSRA and SPWC for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate a Public Utility Water System near Long Barn, Tuolumne County, California and to Establish Rates for Service and For Sierra Park Water Company, Inc. to Issue Stock - 9/20/2013

In order to view some of these documents, you must have PDF reader software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you don’t have a reader, download Acrobat Reader now--it’s free. Click to download Acrobat Reader

Reply filed by SIERRA PARK WATER COMPANY - C1203017, A1309023 (107974) - 5/9/2017 (PDF 68.8 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (107974) - 5/9/2017 (PDF 124 KB)

Response filed by Fred G. Coleman - C1203017, A1309023 (107521) - 4/24/2017 (PDF 473 KB)
Attachment - C1203017, A1309023 (107521) - 4/24/2017 (PDF 900 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (107521) - 4/24/2017 (PDF 695 KB)

Response filed by Sierra Park Water Company - C1203017, A1309023 (107796) - 4/11/2017 (PDF 110 KB)
Attachment - C1203017, A1309023 (107796) - 4/11/2017 (PDF 8.02 MB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (107796) - 4/11/2017 (PDF 124 KB)

Motion filed by Sierra Park Water Company - C1203017, A1309023 (107798) - 4/11/2017 (PDF 75.7 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (107798) - 4/11/2017 (PDF 124 KB)

Notice filed by SIERRA PARK WATER COMPANY - C1203017, A1309023 (107128) - 4/10/2017 (PDF 54.4 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (107128) - 4/10/2017 (PDF 124 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC on 02/27/2017 - C1203017, A1309023 (105874) - 02/27/2017 (PDF 177 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (105874) - 02/27/2017 (PDF 68.6 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC - C1203017, A1309023 (105506) - 02/16/2017 (PDF 167 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (105506) - 02/16/2017 (PDF 520 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/Wildgrube/CPUC - C1203017, A1309023 (105346) - 02/10/2017 (PDF 94.6 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (105346) - 02/10/2017 (PDF 124 KB)

Response filed by Fred Coleman - C1203017, A1309023 (105201) - 02/06/2017 (PDF 430 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (105201) - 02/06/2017 (PDF 459 KB)

Petition For Modification filed by Sierra Park Water Company - C1203017, A1309023 (104899) - 01/26/2017 (PDF 87.5 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (104899) - 01/26/2017 (PDF 127 KB)

D1611007 Denying Petition of Complainants to Modify D1601047.doc - C1203017, A1309023 - 11/16/2016 (PDF 329 KB)
D1611007 Denying Petition of Complainants to Modify D1601047.doc - C1203017, A1309023 - 11/16/2016 (DOC 64.5 KB)

Wildgrube Agenda Dec. Rev. 1 Denying Petition of Complainants to Modify D1601047.doc - C1203017, A1309023 - 11/8/2016 (PDF 330 KB)
Wildgrube Agenda Dec. Rev. 1 Denying Petition of Complainants to Modify D1601047.doc - C1203017, A1309023 - 11/8/2016 (DOC 64.5 KB)

Wildgrube Agenda Dec. Rev. 1 Denying Petition of Complainants to Modify D1601047 (Redlined Version).pdf - C1203017, A1309023 - 11/8/2016 (PDF 123 KB)

Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC - C1203017, A1309023 (102385) - 10/07/2016 (PDF 145 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (102385) - 10/07/2016 (PDF 176 KB)

Response filed by Sierra Park Water Company - C1203017, A1309023 (101118) - 08/23/2016 (PDF 61.5 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (101118) - 08/23/2016 (PDF 125 KB)

D1608006 Granting Petitions to Modify Decision 16-01-047 and . . .Ordering Paragraphs 3.a and 3.5.docx - C1203017, A1309023 - 8/22/2016 (PDF 536 KB)
D1608006 Granting Petitions to Modify Decision 16-01-047 and . . .Ordering Paragraphs 3.a and 3.5.docx - C1203017, A1309023 - 8/22/2016 (DOCX 43.7 KB)

A1309023 Wildgrube Agenda Dec. Granting Petition to Modify D1601047 and . . .3.a and 3.p (Redline) 8-15-16.pdf - C1203017, A1309023 - 8/15/2016 (PDF 157 KB)

A1309023 Wildgrube Agenda Dec. (Rev. 1) Granting Petition to Modify D1601047 and . . .3.a and 3.p 8-11-16.docx - C1203017, A1309023 - 8/11/2016 (PDF 455 KB)
A1309023 Wildgrube Agenda Dec. (Rev. 1) Granting Petition to Modify D1601047 and . . .3.a and 3.p 8-11-16.docx - C1203017, A1309023 - 8/11/2016 (DOCX 44.3 KB)

Petition For Modification filed by Fred Coleman - C1203017, A1309023 (100324) - 08/01/2016 (PDF 344 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (100324) - 08/01/2016 (PDF 458 KB)

Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/WILDGRUBE/CPUC - C1203017, A1309023 (100007) - 07/19/2016 (PDF 166 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (100007) - 07/19/2016 (PDF 125 KB)

Petition For Modification filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation - C1203017, A1309023 (99381) - 06/29/2016 (PDF 306 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (99381) - 06/29/2016 (PDF 360 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC - C1203017, A1309023 (99051) - 06/17/2016 (PDF 163 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (99051) - 06/17/2016 (PDF 440 KB)

Petition For Modification filed by SIERRA PARK WATER COMPANY - C1203017, A1309023 (98763) - 06/10/2016 (PDF 121 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017, A1309023 (98763) - 06/10/2016 (PDF 126 KB)

D1601047 Resolving A Complaint and Authorizing A CPCN as Modified - C1203017, A1309023 - 1/29/2016 (PDF 1.5 MB)
D1601047 Resolving A Complaint and Authorizing A CPCN as Modified - C1203017, A1309023 - 1/29/2016 (DOCX 438 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 01/22/2016 Conf# 94011 - 1/22/2016 (PDF 91.3 KB)
Ruling filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 01/22/2016 Conf# 94011 (Certificate Of Service) - 1/22/2016 (PDF 124 KB)

Response filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 01/21/2016 Conf# 93969 - 1/22/2016 (PDF 73.8 KB)
Response filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 01/21/2016 Conf# 93969 (Certificate Of Service) - 1/22/2016 (PDF 125 KB)

Motion filed by Fred Coleman on 01/15/2016 Conf# 93749 - 1/22/2016 (PDF 393 KB)
Motion filed by Fred Coleman on 01/15/2016 Conf# 93749 (Certificate Of Service) - 1/22/2016 (PDF 461 KB)

A1309023 C1203017 Smith (REV 1) Agenda Dec Resolving Complaint and Authorizing CPCN as Modified - 1/19/2016 (PDF 1.47 MB)
A1309023 C1203017 Smith (REV 1) REDLINED VERSION - 1/19/2016 (PDF 1.16 MB)

A1309023 C1203017 Agenda Dec Resolving Complaint and Authorizing CPCN as Modified - 1/15/2016 (PDF 1.44 MB)

D1512048 Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 12/21/2015 - 12-21-2015 (PDF 304 KB)

A1309023; C1203017 Smith Agenda Dec Order Extending Statutory Deadline 12-17-15.docx - 12/17/2015 (PDF 302 KB)

Motion filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 11/24/2015 Conf# 92309 - 11/26/2015 (PDF 82.9 KB)
Motion filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 11/24/2015 Conf# 92309 (Certificate Of Service) - 11/26/2015 (PDF 121 KB)

Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 11/24/2015 Conf# 92292 - 11/26/2015 (PDF 390 KB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 11/24/2015 Conf# 92292 (Certificate Of Service) - 11/26/2015 (PDF 455 KB)

Comments filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Assocation on 11/19/2015 Conf# 92262 - 11/25/2015 (PDF 428 KB)
Comments filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Assocation on 11/19/2015 Conf# 92262 (Certificate Of Service) - 11/25/2015 (PDF 203 KB)

Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company, Inc. on 11/19/2015 Conf# 92075 - 11/22/2015 (PDF 141 KB)
Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company, Inc. on 11/19/2015 Conf# 92075 (Certificate Of Service) - 11/22/2015 (PDF 127 KB)

Comments filed by FRED COLEMAN on 11/03/2015 Conf# 92054 - 11/18/2015 (PDF 514 KB)
Comments filed by FRED COLEMAN on 11/03/2015 Conf# 92054 (Certificate Of Service) - 11/18/2015 (PDF 503 KB)

Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 10/30/2015 Conf# 91445 - 10/30/2015 (PDF 684 KB)
Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 10/30/2015 Conf# 91445 (Certificate Of Service) - 10/30/2015 (PDF 124 KB)

Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 09/14/2015 Conf# 89895 - 10/15/2015 (PDF 76.9 KB)
Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 09/14/2015 Conf# 89895 (Certificate Of Service) - 10/15/2015 (PDF 132 KB)

D1510020 Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 10/8/2015 (PDF 262 KB)

Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 08/31/2015 Conf# 90277 - 9/25/2015 (PDF 350 KB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 08/31/2015 Conf# 90277 (Certificate Of Service) - 9/25/2015 (PDF 455 KB)

A1309023 et al Smith Agenda Dec Resolving Complaint and Authorizing CPCN as Modified - 9/21/2015 (PDF 1.46 MB)

A1309023 C1203017 Smith Agenda Dec Order Extending Statutory Deadline 9-10-15.docx - 9/21/2015 (PDF 207 KB)

Comments filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 09/08/2015 Conf# 90010 - 9/16/2015 (PDF 287 KB)
Comments filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 09/08/2015 Conf# 90010 (Certificate Of Service) - 9/16/2015 (PDF 90.7 KB)

Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 09/08/2015 Conf# 89719 - 9/16/2015 (PDF 156 KB)
Comments filed by Sierra Park Water Company on 09/08/2015 Conf# 89719 (Certificate Of Service) - 9/16/2015 (PDF 128 KB)

Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 08/18/2015 Conf# 89062 - 8/18/2015 (PDF 705 KB)
Proposed Decision filed by ALJ/SMITH/CPUC on 08/18/2015 Conf# 89062 (Certificate Of Service) - 8/18/2015 (PDF 176 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/Clopton/CPUC on 08/05/2015 Conf# 88660 - 8/5/2015 (PDF 83.7 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/Clopton/CPUC on 08/05/2015 Conf# 88660 (Certificate Of Service) - 8/5/2015 (PDF 186 KB)

D1507041 Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 7/27/2015 (PDF 176 KB)

A1309023; C1203017 Long Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 7/13/2015 (PDF 164 KB)

Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 12/09/2014 Conf# 80914 - 12/29/2014 (PDF 419 KB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 12/09/2014 Conf# 80914 (Attachment1) - 12/29/2014 (PDF 4.77 MB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 12/09/2014 Conf# 80914 (Certificate Of Service) - 12/29/2014 (PDF 448 KB)

Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 10/13/2014 Conf# 80584 - 12/1/2014 (PDF 394 KB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 10/13/2014 Conf# 80584 (Attachment1) - 12/1/2014 (PDF 179 KB)
Comments filed by Fred Coleman on 10/13/2014 Conf# 80584 (Certificate Of Service) - 12/1/2014 (PDF 432 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/LONG/CPUC on 10/07/2014 Conf# 78797 - 10/7/2014 (PDF 398 KB)
Ruling filed by ALJ/LONG/CPUC on 10/07/2014 Conf# 78797 (Certificate Of Service) - 10/7/2014 (PDF 124 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/LONG/CPUC on 06/02/2014 Conf# 75251 - 6/3/2014 (PDF 135 KB)

Motion filed by Fred Coleman on 02/24/2014 Conf# 72313 - 2/27/2014 (PDF 121 KB)
Motion filed by Fred Coleman on 02/24/2014 Conf# 72313 (Attachment2) - 2/27/2014 (PDF 1.01 MB)
Motion filed by Fred Coleman on 02/24/2014 Conf# 72313 (Certificate Of Service) - 2/27/2014 (PDF 111 KB)

Ruling filed by CMMR/SANDOVAL/CPUC on 02/18/2014 Conf# 72123 - 2/18/2014 (PDF 159 KB)
Ruling filed by CMMR/SANDOVAL/CPUC on 02/18/2014 Conf# 72123 (Certificate Of Service) - 2/18/2014 (PDF 137 KB)

D1312049 Extending Statutory Deadline.doc - 12/23/2013 (PDF 277 KB)

Long Agenda Dec Order Extending Statutory Deadline - 12/9/2013 (PDF 280 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 06/05/2013 Conf# 65138 - 6/5/2013 (PDF 110 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 06/05/2013 Conf# 65138 (Attachment2) - 6/5/2013 (PDF 87.4 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 06/05/2013 Conf# 65138 (Certificate Of Service) - 6/5/2013 (PDF 132 KB)

Report filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 04/16/2013 Conf# 63950 - 5/29/2013 (PDF 120 KB)
Report filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 04/16/2013 Conf# 63950 (Certificate Of Service) - 5/29/2013 (PDF 73.4 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/LONG/CPUC on 04/10/2013 Conf# 63795 - 4/10/2013 (PDF 90.4 KB)
Ruling filed by ALJ/LONG/CPUC on 04/10/2013 Conf# 63795 (Certificate Of Service) - 4/10/2013 (PDF 146 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 04/08/2013 Conf# 63709 - 4/8/2013 (PDF 94.5 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 04/08/2013 Conf# 63709 (Attachment2) - 4/8/2013 (PDF 87.4 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 04/08/2013 Conf# 63709 (Certificate Of Service) - 4/8/2013 (PDF 132 KB)

Notice filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 02/28/2013 Conf# 62802 - 4/5/2013 (PDF 61.5 KB)
Notice filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 02/28/2013 Conf# 62802 (Certificate Of Service) - 4/5/2013 (PDF 66.1 KB)

Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 04/04/2013 Conf# 63602 - 4/4/2013 (PDF 121 KB)
Notice filed by CALJ/CLOPTON/CPUC on 04/04/2013 Conf# 63602 (Certificate Of Service) - 4/4/2013 (PDF 172 KB)

D1302028 Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 3/4/2013 (PDF 210 KB)

Scoping Ruling filed by CMMR/SANDOVAL/CPUC on 02/14/2013 Conf# 62415 - 2/14/2013 (PDF 128 KB)
Scoping Ruling filed by CMMR/SANDOVAL/CPUC on 02/14/2013 Conf# 62415 (Certificate Of Service) - 2/14/2013 (PDF 119 KB)

Minkin Agenda Dec. Order Extending Statutory Deadline.docx - 2/13/2013 (PDF 208 KB)

Case 12-03-017 - Prehearing Conference - Reporters Transcript - Pages 33-66 - 2/5/2013 (PDF 162 KB)

Response filed by Fred Coleman on 01/22/2013 Conf# 62103 - 2/5/2013 (PDF 142 KB)
Response filed by Fred Coleman on 01/22/2013 Conf# 62103 (Attachment2) - 2/5/2013 (PDF 100 KB)
Response filed by Fred Coleman on 01/22/2013 Conf# 62103 (Certificate Of Service) - 2/5/2013 (PDF 89.6 KB)

Report filed by Fred Coleman on 01/14/2013 Conf# 62101 - 2/5/2013 (PDF 110 KB)
Report filed by Fred Coleman on 01/14/2013 Conf# 62101 (Attachment2) - 2/5/2013 (PDF 100 KB)
Report filed by Fred Coleman on 01/14/2013 Conf# 62101 (Certificate Of Service) - 2/5/2013 (PDF 91.0 KB)

Report filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 01/11/2013 Conf# 61464 - 1/18/2013 (PDF 812 KB)
Report filed by Odd Fellows Sierra Recreation Association on 01/11/2013 Conf# 61464 (Certificate Of Service) - 1/18/2013 (PDF 60.4 KB)

Cover - Responce to OFSRA 12-7-2012 Report - C1203017 (42159978) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 93.4 KB)
Responce to OFSRA 12/7/2012 Report - C1203017 (42156896) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 126 KB)
Exhibit A - C1203017 (42158104) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 3.35 MB)
Exhibit B - C1203017 (42159538) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 2.55 MB)
Exhibit C - C1203017 (42159974) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 129 KB)
Exhibit D - C1203017 (42156020) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 71.6 KB)
Exhibit E - C1203017 (42156897) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 139 KB)
Exhibit F - C1203017 (42158105) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 534 KB)
Exhibit G - C1203017 (42159539) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 1.36 MB)
Exhibit H - C1203017 (42159975) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 1.59 MB)
Exhibit I - C1203017 (42156021) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 3.18 MB)
Exhibit J - C1203017 (42156898) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 91.9 KB)
Exhibit K - C1203017 (42158106) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 41.7 KB)
Exhibit L - C1203017 (42159540) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 42.6 KB)
Exhibit L-1 - C1203017 (42159976) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 12.4 MB)
Exhibit M - C1203017 (42156022) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 1.19 MB)
Exhibit N - C1203017 (42156899) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 48.9 KB)
Exhibit O - C1203017 (42158107) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 49.5 KB)
Exhibit P - C1203017 (42159541) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 57.4 KB)
Exhibit Q-1 - C1203017 (42159977) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 21.3 MB)
Exhibit Q-2 - C1203017 (42156023) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 3.97 MB)
Exhibit R - C1203017 (42156900) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 3.31 MB)
Exhibit S - C1203017 (42158108) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 236 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (42156024) - 12/21/2012 (PDF 96.6 KB)

Status Report of OFSRA - C1203017 (42155907) - 12/7/2012 (PDF 761 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (42157113) - 12/7/2012 (PDF 63.5 KB)

Ruling Memorializing Procedures Agreed to by Parties - C1203016 (31735687) - 12/5/2012 (PDF 77.5 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203016 (31723207) - 12/5/2012 (PDF 75.8 KB)

Notice of Telephonic Status Conference - C1203017 (31723050) - 11/19/2012 (PDF 75.1 KB)
Information Regarding Service - C1203017 (31722170) - 11/19/2012 (PDF 84.3 KB)
Service List - C1203017 (31743892) - 11/19/2012 (PDF 87.1 KB)

Status Report of OFSRA - C1203017 (31723402) - 11/9/2012 (PDF 90.1 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (31743347) - 11/9/2012 (PDF 67.1 KB)

Ruling Granting Stay - C1203017 (28953454) - 9/24/2012 (PDF 85.4 KB)
Service List - C1203017 (28954767) - 9/24/2012 (PDF 119 KB)

Status Report of OFSRA - C1203017 (27800653) - 8/30/2012 (PDF 90.8 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (27796725) - 8/30/2012 (PDF 63.2 KB)

Ruling filed by ALJ/MINKIN/CPUC on 07/11/2012 - C1203017 (170428) - 7/11/2012 (PDF 78.8 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (170429) - 7/11/2012 (PDF 109 KB)

Compliance Filing - C1203017 (171124) - 6/28/2012 (PDF 106 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203017 (171125) - 6/28/2012 (PDF 149 KB)

Responce to Verified Answer - C1203017 (170293) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 463 KB)
Authorization to File - C1203017 (170294) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 764 KB)
Exhibit A - C1203017 (170295) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 3.41 MB)
Exhibit B - C1203017 (170296) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 3.41 MB)
Exhibit C - C1203017 (170297) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 22.3 MB)
Exhibit D - C1203017 (170298) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 537 KB)
Exhibit E - C1203017 (170299) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 7.31 MB)
Exhibit F - C1203017 (170300) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 3.06 MB)
Exhibit G - C1203017 (170301) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 4.33 MB)
Exhibit H - C1203017 (170302) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 3.06 MB)
Exhibit I - C1203017 (170303) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 3.09 MB)
Exhibit J - C1203017 (170304) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 2.19 MB)
Exhibit K - C1203017 (170305) - 6/27/2012 (PDF 2.05 MB)

Notice of Unavailability of Counsel - C1203016 (169350) - 6/21/2012 (PDF 84.5 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203016 (169351) - 6/21/2012 (PDF 75.8 KB)

Ruling - C1203016 (169292) - 6/21/2012 (PDF 75.3 KB)
Service List - C1203016 (169293) - 6/21/2012 (PDF 102 KB)

Verified Answer - C1203016 (169745) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 135 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203016 (169746) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 147 KB)

Motion for Stay - C1203016 (169747) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 112 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203016 (169748) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 147 KB)

Compliance Filing - C1203016 (169751) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 109 KB)
Proof of Service - C1203016 (169752) - 6/15/2012 (PDF 149 KB)

Notice of Prehearing Conference - C1203016 (168771) - 6/13/2012 (PDF 71.0 KB)
Infomation Regarding Service - C1203016 (168772) - 6/13/2012 (PDF 85.8 KB)
Service List - C1203016 (168773) - 6/13/2012 (PDF 81.9 KB)

Instruction to Answer - C1203016 (163176) - 4/2/2012 (PDF 506 KB)
Certificate of Service - C1203016 (163177) - 4/2/2012 (PDF 547 KB)

Complaint - C1203016 (162580) - 3/14/2012 (PDF 9.25 MB)

Website created and managed by Charles Varvayanis
To submit comments or contribute material contact:
Charles Varvayanis
P.O. Box 395, Long Barn, CA  95335-0395
Phone:  (209) 586-3782
Fax:  (209) 586-3761

© 2024 Charles Varvayanis. All rights reserved.